The One Thing That I’ve Enjoyed While Using Blogger

The One Thing That I’ve Enjoyed While Using Blogger is the lack of off topic and Spammy comments, but that’s probably due to the fact that I never got any comments while I was actively used Blogger due to the fact that I couldn’t get a decent amount of followers & viewers.

WordPress really needs to sort out its Akismit Spam filter as it’s awful at filtering out Spam from legitimate comments, as when I re-started using WordPress this morning out of 40 Comments that I’d got 3 were correctly filtered to the Spam folder and out of the 56 that were filtered to the pending folder approximately half were in correctly filtered as legitimate comments that I’d then got to sort through manually.

Rant over



6 thoughts on “The One Thing That I’ve Enjoyed While Using Blogger

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  1. [ Smiles ] Yes, I can relate quite well to your article, because I was once on Google Blogger and I never experienced any spam there.

    The truth is: Akismet is not 100% effective!

    For the record, I prefer to blog here on WordPress.


    1. I just found a comment to a post on my UK Hockey Blog Google+ Page, if I’d have seen it I’d have responded it must have slipped through when I did a mass clear out of Page and Community Posts Notifications. Sorry.


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